Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s educational journey: When the examinee left the examiner behind

Dr. Rajendra Prasad's educational journey: When the examinee left the examiner behind

Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s educational journey: When the examinee left the examiner behind Many great personalities were born on the land of Bihar whose achievements are the most supreme in history. One of these great personalities is the first President of the country,

Dr. Rajendra Prasad, whose intelligence and scholarship has been acknowledged not only by India, but the whole world. India’s first President Dr. Rajendra Prasad was a resident of Bihar.

The examinee is better than the examiner

An incident from Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s student life made him immortal. After completing his primary education from a school in Chhapra district, Dr. Rajendra Prasad completed his studies from Presidency College of Kolkata University. In the year 1906, when his examination paper was being checked, seeing the excellence of his answers, the examiner wrote in the answer sheet:

This incident not only proves his scholarship, but also shows that knowledge has no limits.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s educational journey: When the examinee left the examiner behind Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s education and his marriage Chhapra district school: and its glorious history

Dr. Rajendra Prasad received his primary education in Chhapra district school. This school is still a part of this glorious history. The teachers and students of this school feel proud remembering this incident.

In the school of Chhapra district

A statue has also been installed in the memory of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and a garden was also built in his name. While it is sad that despite the efforts of the school administration, his examination papers and other records have not been preserved till date.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s education and his marriage

Dr. Rajendra Prasad completed his primary education at the age of just 12 and during this time Dr. Rajendra Prasad was married to Rajvanshi Devi. After this, he studied at T.K. Ghosh Academy in Patna and then graduated from Presidency College, Kolkata. He was awarded a doctorate from Kolkata University.

Role in the freedom struggle

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was not only a great scholar but also a dedicated freedom fighter. He played an active role in the movement started by Mahatma Gandhi. He was also the President of the Indian Constituent Assembly and contributed significantly in the making of the Constitution of India.

Rajendra Babu: First President of India

On 26 January 1950, India became a republic and Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the first President of the country. And he was considered an ideal of simplicity, honesty and dedication in Indian politics.

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