Negligence of police in Kanpur: Case diaries missing, nine personnel suspended

Negligence of police in Kanpur: Case diaries missing, nine personnel suspended

Negligence of police in Kanpur: Case diaries missing, nine personnel suspended. A big revelation has happened in Kalyanpur police station of Kanpur. Due to which the case diaries of the cases registered in the police station have been found missing. Investigation has revealed that in 11 cases, the investigators did not file the case diaries in the court. Most of these SHOs are not posted at the police station at this time. The oldest case is of 16 years ago and the police is investigating this matter.

Case diaries of 11 cases missing, report on nine including seven SHOs

It is a matter of 16 years ago in which only one subject or incident was described and that is the oldest case.

All the cases are related to Kalyanpur police station

Negligence of police in Kanpur investigators played games in old cases

When Kalyanpur police station in-charge Sudhir Kumar Singh recently got the case diaries of the cases registered in the police station investigated, shocking things came to light. 11 such cases have been seen, whose case diaries were made to disappear by the investigators and were not filed in the court. A case has been registered in the police station against nine police personnel including seven sub-inspectors involved in these cases. The accused policemen have also been asked to give their reply.

Head clerk Pratap Bhan Singh posted in Kalyanpur police station has registered this case. According to him, on the orders of in-charge inspector of Kalyanpur police station Sudhir Kumar Singh, he inquired about the case diary of the accused and found that in ten out of 11 cases, the case diary has not been filed in the court. This was his biggest mistake.

16 years old case

There is a case in which the case diary was asked again from the court and it was not filed. Maximum three cases are related to sub-inspector Narendra Kumar. Most of the police station in-charges against whom the case is filed are not posted at the police station at present. The oldest case in these cases is of 16 years ago. ACP Kalyanpur Abhishek Pandey said that investigation is being done to find out where the said sub-inspector is now. Further action will be taken only after interrogating him.

Case diary of these cases is missing

Case number: 572/10, Section 26 UPDAct i.e. causing damage to forest wealth.
Case diary of 11 cases missing in Kanpur, action taken against nine policemen including seven sub-inspectors

Case NumberSectionsCase DescriptionInvestigating Officer
748/08420, 406, 467, 468, 448 IPCFraud and other offensesRamchandra Dohre
12/018457, 380 IPCBurglary and theftChandr Bhanu Singh
949/013135 Electricity ActViolation of electricity regulationsNarendra Bahadur Singh
547/013467, 468, 471, 406, 409, 120B IPCForgery and conspiracyNarendra Bahadur Singh
675/014363, 366, 506 IPCKidnapping and threatsPrembabu Goyal
150/013452, 323, 504, 394, 506 IPCRobbery and assaultNarendra Bahadur Singh
688/013147, 332, 352, 504, 506, 307 IPC, 7CLARioting and attempt to murderDinesh Kumar Singh
585/2021406, 504, 506 IPCCriminal breach of trust and threatsImtiaz Ahmed
1114/20163/25 Arms ActPossession of illegal firearmsHCP Brijesh Kumar Mishra
148/014395, 325, 324, 504, 506, 354K, 406 IPC, SC/ST ActRobbery, assault, and other offensesPushpendra Singh (Head of hearing)

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