World Television Day 2024: New possibilities in the era of smart TVs

World Television Day – Celebrating television's impact on society and culture

World Television Day 2024: New possibilities in the era of smart TVs World Television Day is celebrated annually on 21 November. This day is dedicated to recognizing the impact of television on society and people’s lives and to draw attention to its role. Television has transformed modern life by becoming a powerful medium of entertainment, education, news and exchange of cultural ideas.

Establishment and significance of the day

In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly established this day in honor of the First World Television Forum held on 21-22 November. Media professionals, policy makers and telecommunications experts attended this forum. The main point of discussion in this was to consider television as a medium that not only shapes communication and perception, but also contributes to the process of decision making.

History and development of television

Television was invented in the early 20th century. This journey started with black and white (B&W) television and today it has reached smart TVs and internet-connected platforms.

Early inventions and demonstrations

The inventor of television Philo Farnsworth made its first public demonstration in 1927. By the end of the 1930s, commercial production of B&W television began.

Advent of color television

Color television in the 1950s revolutionized the viewing experience of viewers. It not only made entertainment more appealing but also changed people’s interests and style.

Digital and Smart TV era

In the 21st century, television adopted digital technology. Today’s smart TVs are connected to the Internet and streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube and Hulu have changed the ways of watching traditional TV.

Impact of Television on Society

Television has taken its place as one of the most widespread sources of information and entertainment. It has many impacts:

1. Social and Cultural: It connects people across the world and showcases different cultures.

2. Education: Educational programs and documentaries provide knowledge to students and the general public.

3. Political and Social Awareness: News and discussion programs on television make people aware and encourage democratic participation.

4. Entertainment: It is the most popular medium of entertainment, providing entertainment through sports, films and serials.

Modern Challenges and Future

The biggest challenge for television is the competition from digital and online streaming services. However, these changes have led television to change its development and presentation methods.

World Television Day reminds us that television is not just a medium of entertainment, but it is a powerful tool for exchanging ideas, education and influencing society.

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